Wednesday, July 15, 2020

5 Tips To Build Trust As A Entry Level Network Engineer

The terms network engineer and network administrator are sometimes used synonymously, but the entry level network engineer generally has more responsibility than the network administrator. The engineering side of things tends to be more concerned with planning, design, and technical specifications, while the management side of things focuses on daily maintenance, management, and problem-solving efforts.

If you still don't understand this, network engineers should not stop learning. When you are new to college, you will find many jobs that require experience in unknown programs. Don't be discouraged by this.

First, look at trends in job listings for companies in your area. If everyone is listing SQL and has no relevant experience, start learning. Often having practice time sets you apart from your competition.

So, how can you build confidence as a entry level network engineer?

1. Get certified!

Are you working to improve yourself and your skills? If not, I recommend going home and going to the lab every day. Remember that repetition builds trust. Being certified increases your confidence. It also improves your resume and often increases your income.

2. Get on the plate!

Are you hiding from the stop? Would you like to get someone a hard ticket? Do you avoid projects? I understand that it is difficult and you may be afraid of failure. Do it anyway. This not only builds your trust, but also encourages people to respect you and ask for promotion.

3. Dress for success!

You feel good when you look good! People take a different approach when dressing like a boss! (Hmm, this may be a future blog post.)

4. Correct your posture.

Stand up straight, chest up, chin up, shoulders back. How do you sit in a chair at work? If you lean forward, backward, or appear asleep, close the chair upright. You can also lay one of those balls. (pause)

5. Believe in yourself!

Whether you need motivational tapes, memes, videos, or make your own positive statement, do whatever it takes to start believing in yourself and your abilities.

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