Wednesday, June 10, 2020

What is the Future of Network Engineers?

Currently, the average salary for network engineers is $ 85,000 per year. They do the hard work of fully compensating them and constantly expand their understanding of networks, platforms, software applications and other professional aspects. If this sounds familiar to you, you're probably a network engineer and may be concerned about the future of the industry.

Some believe automation will take over the work of network engineering, but the data does not support those claims. It is true that automation will be the mainstream in the industry, but network engineers are simply shifting their focus to their jobs, and they may need to learn some new skills.

In short, you enjoy excellent job security. If your job changes, it will roll with a hit.

In an interview with TechTarget, the veteran network engineer Leon Adato notes that experts in his field are always changing. Just 10 years ago, cloud computing did not exist, many people still use dial-up Internet services, and 3G networks were just emerging for mobile phone users. According to Adato, network engineering will change in the future, but it will not replace people who work in the industry.
Network virtualization engineer Marcos Hernández says he is already developing software skills to meet the demands of the industry. As more networks were automated, his work went from manual to more creative. Instead of writing a line-by-line network code, you can work in languages ​​like Java and learn programming and code to keep up with modern applications.

The IT industry has always included a period of dramatic change. For example, once a technical engineer worked alone as an expert in safety and quality assurance, he inspected products and procedures to verify their effectiveness. Currently, it is branched to the documentation and management support of the system. Similarly, network engineers will not disappear. They only adapt to the constantly evolving landscape.

In the past, network engineers were docile in building and configuring networks, but automation alleviates some of those unpleasant frustrations. Experts in this area can focus on simplifying end-user results. Businesses want their customers to be the fastest and most efficient service possible, and their networks must support their goals.

To do this, you need to hire someone who understands the back end of your network. Network engineers need not fear to compromise the safety of their work. Instead, they need to understand how their roles change and what skills and knowledge they need to develop. When this next wave of change occurs, the engineer's job becomes less complex and more empirical. This will be a good evolution, especially for young network engineers.

Tracking the future of your career will help you plan for it. Consider taking additional training and certification courses now to meet the demands of tomorrow. Beyond the times, job security and demand increase.

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